
How to Tie 16 Important Knots

As kids we told the snake trajectory to help us learn to tie the bowline – one of the most basic and important of all nautical knots. Once learned, who can forget it? A power boater only needs to know a few basic knots to get by in most situations. By clicking below you can teach yourself those knots in a minute or two with the easy instructional device provided by “Animated Knots by Grog.” Probably the most basic of all nautical knots is the “cleat hitch” and we never cease to be amazed at how many boaters don’t know how to do it properly – and pile figure 8 upon figure 8 on it until it’s a mess.




Click here to access 16 nautical knots animated by Grog…


Bertram 31


Click here to access 16 nautical knots animated by Grog…