Marine Apps & Services

Find Fuel Information Using Waterway Guide's App and Website

Fuel prices and fuel dock locations are crucial factors that greatly impact the budget and overall experience of boaters. To ensure a cost-effective and smooth-sailing boating adventure, access to up-to-date and accurate fuel price information is essential. Fortunately, Waterway Guide provides boaters with powerful tools to locate the best fuel prices along their chosen route. Here are a few methods to find fuel docks and prices during both the planning phase and while cruising.

Using the Fuel Price List offers a highly popular Fuel Price List, serving as the ultimate hub for finding fuel prices in any cruising area.

Simply visit the Fuel Price Report ( and select your desired cruising area from the provided options.

Waterway Guide fuel price report example

The comprehensive list of fuel price reports is arranged according to the mile marker, proceeding from north to south. You also have the option to sort the list alphabetically.

Each fuel report listing provides valuable details such as location, contact information, fuel dock hours, fuel types available (Diesel, Gas), octane levels, ValvTect availability, and any discounts offered. The most recent pricing for each fuel type is provided, and the date of the last update is indicated at the bottom of the report.

Waterway Guide fuel report listing example

To have a physical copy of the report, you can choose the option to print it and take it aboard with you.

Waterway Guide fuel report listing print example

Using Waterway Guide Explorer 

Waterway Guide's Explorer is another valuable resource for finding fuel docks. 

Simply navigate to your cruising area within the Explorer and change to the filtered fuel view using the dropdown menu. You can select either Diesel or Gas. 

Waterway Guide explorer - finding fuel docks

By selecting the desired view, you will see fuel icons appearing on the map, displaying pricing information or indicating a "Call" for pricing. 

Waterway Guide explorer - finding fuel docks, desired view

 Clicking on any fuel dock icon will open the map info box, providing you with contact information, additional pricing details, and the date of the last update.

Waterway Guide explorer - finding fuel docks, info box

Delivered to Your Inbox 

An easy and efficient way to access fuel prices is through a Waterway Guide Membership.

When you purchase a Waterway Guide Subscription, you can choose to receive regular fuel reports via email on a daily or weekly basis for any or all of the designated cruising areas. 

To set this up, log in to your profile after purchasing your subscription. Scroll down to the Fuel Price Updates section on your profile page, enter your preferred email address for receiving updates, select your update frequency, and choose the areas you wish to receive updates for. 

Waterway Guide fuel price updates emailed

Save your changes, and you will start receiving regular fuel price updates in your inbox for the duration of your subscription.

To learn more about the additional benefits of being a Waterway Guide Member, click here.

Navigating the waters with confidence while keeping fuel costs in check is essential for a successful boating experience. With Waterway Guide as your trusted companion, you can embark on a smoother and more cost-effective fueling journey, enhancing your overall boating adventure. Happy cruising!